Inductive Bible Study Kit of Pens & Pencil - iTouch Technology

Mark Bible passages with color-coded symbols and notes to get the most out of your study! This set includes 6 underliner pens with no-bleed ink (purple, yellow, pink, orange, teal, green) that follow the INDUCTIVE SYSTEM of Bible Study, in which you mark with each color the data that answer the questions "Who?", "What?", "When?", "Where?", "Why?", and "How?".

In addition, it includes 3 note-taking pens with red, royal blue, and black ink, and a mechanical pencil, all 4 featuring iTouch stylus technology for interacting with touch-sensitive electronic devices.

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Mark Bible passages with color-coded symbols and notes to get the most out of your study! This set includes 6 underliner pens with no-bleed ink (purple, yellow, pink, orange, teal, green) that follow the INDUCTIVE SYSTEM of Bible Study, in which you mark with each color the data that answer the questions "Who?", "What?", "When?", "Where?", "Why?", and "How?".

In addition, it includes 3 note-taking pens with red, royal blue, and black ink, and a mechanical pencil, all 4 featuring iTouch stylus technology for interacting with touch-sensitive electronic devices.